A Little Fucking Ray of Sunshine

The first day of classes this week has been awkward. It starts out innocuously enough with the question, “How was your summer?” My reply is usually a cautious, “Um, it was ok.”
“What did you do?”
Aaaaand that’s where it gets awkward.
“Well, I went to Barcelona, which was nice. When I got home, I found out that my landlords were suing me in a misguided attempt to kick me out of my rent-controlled apartment. Then, I went to Uganda. After I narrowly avoided getting suicide bombed, I delivered some babies I’m pretty sure won’t survive till their fifth birthday. Then the work project I’ve spent the last fifteen months working on fell completely apart, leaving me to question my values and my career. After I got home from the month in Uganda, I was trying to sort out the career/academic mess I’d created when my hetero life partner and I decided that we didn’t want to be life partners anymore. Oh, and he made me skip the only times at the beach that I had lined up. And now I have to move out of the rent-controlled apartment I fought so hard for. But other than that, pretty good. How about you?
And then it gets really, really awkward, because the response is usually “I got engaged/married.”
I'm sad that you and the Object ended things, but I'm glad the Goo is back. That's my ray of sunshine! :)
Brilliant...and poignant.
Poofsta - Your other respondents articulated my thoughts and wishes for you better than I can tonight.
I wish you well.
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