Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This Shark You Swallow Whole

I spent two weeks in Berlin recently, a town known for being full of coke-addled artists. I'd read that the cocaine was so prevalent, it's even in their Red Bull, which seems redundant. But in speaking to Berliners, the lack of cocaine was one of the first things they'd mention about their city. "Here in Berlin, we like to make the party all night," one man told me, adding almost wistfully, "Americans think it is the cocaine that makes us do this, but I have never seen it just out at a club." He paused to take a bite of his falafel, washed down with Red Bull, then asked,"You like to dance?"

Happily, BBC has turned up the source of the cocaine:
This makes me awfully nervous about all of those Haribo sharks I bought.


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