I'm Starting to Get Burnt Out on These...
The Goo
Prospective Student for Graduate Program in International Smickety Smack
Essay choice number 1: "In 600 words or less, please describe an issue of national or international importance and its concern to you."
Prospective Student for Graduate Program in International Smickety Smack
Essay choice number 1: "In 600 words or less, please describe an issue of national or international importance and its concern to you."
Cheese is of national importance. Furthermore, cheese is also of international importance. Moreover, cheese is of global importance, but not in the international sense. Most importantly, cheese is of importance to me; my interest in cheese spans veritable United Nations of dairy products, in particular goat cheese, manchego, and Irish cheddar. Please let me into your school. Also, I voted for Barack Obama. I understand international peoples like him. Did you know he is currently making history? Twice. Two times I voted for the man. I was born in Chicago. It's how we roll. In fact, if you grant me admission to your fine institution, I will give a seat in the United States Senate. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Great essay! I too think cheese is of international importance.
I am concerned that your lack of attention to pungent and/or mouldy (note the international spelling) cheeses may put you out of the running for this one. -I to the E
I know that you were probably joking about cheese being of international importance, however I do believe that it is. Gouda, pecarino romano, creamy goat cheese.... I firmly believe that if Israel and Hamas could share a cheese platter, their problems would be solved.
I don't joke when it comes to cheese.
To the Kresly Family: Israeli cheese is terrible. I think it would probably make matters worse.
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