I've Been Shot!

Three in my right arm, one in my left. Because I'm going to... UGANDA. To assess a site to establish a program for volunteer doctors to teach and train local health care professionals, who will then be able to pass on those same skills.
I'm trying really hard not to gloat about my job. If it makes you feel any better, every time I raise my arms up in victory, they hurt. Cuz of the shots I had to get so that I can go to Uganda.
Let's step it back down here a notch. Situational irony to the rescue!

I'm trying really hard not to gloat about my job. If it makes you feel any better, every time I raise my arms up in victory, they hurt. Cuz of the shots I had to get so that I can go to Uganda.
Let's step it back down here a notch. Situational irony to the rescue!

Wow, congrats on your upcoming trip!
Jealous, but also so excited about all the work you're doing and the rewards to follow.
Awesome! We will rifle your desk in search of Tim Tams while you're gone. Seriously, congratulations--you goin'ta Uganda!
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