We Momentarily Pause This Blog...
"Winter turned to Spring. Spring turned to Summer. Summer turned to Winter. And then Winter gave Spring and Summer a miss and went straight on into Autumn."
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, but when the hell did the holidays get here? This is the major confusion of my life right now. I left town at Halloween, traveled to the land of eternal summer, and then came back to Christmas, and it's more than a little bizarre. Where the hell was fall? In any case, in an attempt to force myself into submitting to the spirit of the season, let's talk Jingles.

Through the intrepid efforts of one anonymous commenter, I'm pleased to announce that you can BUY Salerno Jingles through the tubes of the internets, and that you don't even have to approach some black market entrepreneur named Vladek in Warsaw to buy them. It's a holiday miracle! And just in time, since the other holiday miracle- the Amazing Shrinking Kitchen- is getting really old.
But it still doesn't quite feel like Christmas. The search continues.
Back to your regularly scheduled blog.